dog droolingAt All Creatures Veterinary Care Center, we are proud to offer a convenient, in-house pharmacy for all of your pet’s prescription needs. Our veterinarians will work directly with you to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the medicine your pet has been prescribed, proper dosages, and dosing techniques.

We are wholeheartedly dedicated to your pet’s health and wellness, so you can trust our team to make sure you are fully educated on what your pet will need from you throughout the healing process. Let our caring, experienced, and knowledgeable team help you give your pet the care it deserves.

Why should you choose our in-house pharmacy over other options?

  • You can get medications days quicker than choosing online pharmacies
  • It gives you the piece of mind that you are always receiving the right product
  • Our doctors are highly trained and qualified to discuss potential side effects 
  • We store all of our products in optimal conditions at all times

Would you rather get your medications shipped to you on a regular basis? Utilize our easy-to-use online pharmacy! We are a family-owned small business, so we appreciate your support in choosing our in-house or online pharmacy over Chewy or other corporate pharmacies. 

Call us today to discuss your pet’s prescription needs. We look forward to being your partners in your pet’s well being.

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