Based on an article that first appeared at

Have you ever been captivated by a turtle lumbering along a park path, its shell a mosaic of browns and greens? Or perhaps you’ve been mesmerized by the way a turtle basks on a sunny rock with its head outstretched in a moment of pure contentment. Or maybe you’ve even witnessed the beauty and grace of a massive sea turtle gliding effortlessly through the waves. Turtles, with their ancient lineage and prehistoric charm, are captivating creatures. But did you know they can also make fantastic pets?

While turtles might not be the first animal that springs to mind when considering a pet, they offer a unique set of advantages. Owning a turtle isn’t all sunshine and smooth shells, though. Responsible ownership and proper care are required for these fascinating reptiles to thrive. In honor of World Turtle Day, let’s explore some “shelltastic” reasons why turtles can be great companions!

A turtle in a pond

1. Low-Maintenance 

Let’s face it: life can be hectic. Between work, errands, and social commitments, finding time to care for a pet can feel overwhelming. This is where turtles shine. Compared to furry or feathered friends, turtles are relatively low-maintenance. They don’t require constant attention, walks, or playtime. Their feeding schedules are less demanding, and their habitats are generally easier to clean. While they still need proper care, their needs are simpler, making them a good fit for busy lifestyles.

2. Lifelong Companions (If You’re Up for the Commitment)

Turtles are not weekend flings in the pet world. These shelled wonders can live for decades, some even exceeding a century! Keeping a turtle as a pet is a long-term commitment, and potential owners need to be prepared for that responsibility. However, for those seeking a companion for the long haul, a turtle can be a loyal and rewarding friend. Imagine the stories you’ll create together!

3. Unveiling Unique Personalities

Think turtles are little more than bumps on a log? Think again! While they may not purr or cuddle, don’t underestimate a turtle’s ability to develop a distinct personality. Contrary to popular belief, turtles can be surprisingly interactive. They learn to recognize their owners, often greeting them with a swim or a head bob at the tank’s edge. Some turtles even enjoy gentle scratches on their shells, and certain species are known to be quite vocal, expressing themselves with hisses, clicks, or whistles. 

4. A World of Choices

Not all turtles are created equal! There are over 350 species of turtles in the world, each with its own unique characteristics and care requirements. Some are aquatic, spending most of their time swimming, while others are semi-aquatic, needing both water and land areas in their habitat. Some popular pet turtle species include red-eared sliders, yellow-bellied sliders, and box turtles. 

Before welcoming a turtle into your home, research different species. Consider factors like your available space, time commitment, and noise tolerance (some turtles can be quite vocal). Consulting a veterinarian experienced in reptile care can be invaluable in choosing the perfect turtle for your lifestyle.

5. A Piece of Nature in Your Home

Owning a turtle allows you to create a miniature ecosystem within your home. Setting up a proper habitat, with basking areas, water features, and climbing structures, is a rewarding experience. Watching your turtle explore its environment, basking in the warmth of the lamp, or gliding through the water can be surprisingly mesmerizing, too. It’s a chance to bring a little bit of the natural world indoors and observe a fascinating creature up close.

6. A Gateway to Learning

Owning a turtle can be a fantastic educational experience, especially for children. Caring for a turtle teaches responsibility, empathy, and respect for living creatures. It also opens doors to learning about animal anatomy, ecology, and the importance of responsible pet ownership. Watching a turtle grow and thrive can spark a lifelong fascination with the natural world, and it teaches kids that it’s not just furry friends that make great pets. 

7. A Source of Calm and Zen

There’s something undeniably calming about observing a turtle. Their slow and methodical movements, paired with their peaceful demeanor, can be a welcome respite from the daily hustle and bustle. Studies have shown that watching fish in aquariums can reduce blood pressure and ease stress, and owning a turtle offers a similar sense of tranquility. The gentle rhythm of their existence can be a source of relaxation and a reminder to slow down and appreciate the simple things.

An owner holding their pet turtle.

Is a Turtle the Right Pet For You?

While turtles offer numerous benefits as pets, it’s crucial to remember that responsible ownership is important. 

Here are some key considerations and requirements to keep in mind before welcoming a turtle into your home:

  • Do your research: Choose a turtle species that fits your lifestyle and living space. Learn about their specific dietary needs, habitat requirements, and lifespan to determine whether a shelled companion will fit into your lifestyle.
  • Consult a veterinarian: Find a veterinarian experienced in reptile care for regular checkups and advice.
  • Set up a proper habitat: Provide a spacious enclosure with appropriate basking areas, water features (if needed), and hiding spots. Maintain proper temperature and humidity levels.
  • Provide a balanced diet: You’ll need your turtle a commercially prepared diet specifically formulated for their species and age. Avoid feeding them human food scraps or iceberg lettuce.
  • Maintain a clean environment: Regularly clean your turtle’s habitat to prevent a buildup of waste and bacteria.
  • Respect their boundaries: Turtles are not toys. Handle them gently and only when necessary.
  • Be prepared for a long-term commitment: Turtles can live for decades. Be prepared to care for your turtle its entire life.

Closing Thoughts

Turtles, with their unique personalities, low-maintenance needs, and long lifespans, make fantastic companions for the right owner. However, responsible ownership is essential for their well-being. By doing your research, providing proper care, and respecting their natural behaviors, you can create a loving and enriching environment for your shelled friend. 

So, if you’re looking for a unique and rewarding pet and are prepared for a long-term commitment, a turtle might just be the perfect fit for your life. Remember: A happy turtle is a healthy turtle, and a healthy turtle can be a source of joy and companionship for many years. 

If you have questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (856) 256-8996, or you can email us at [email protected]. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram.


  • Reptiles