Please Complete The Following Information

Job Applied For:
How did you learn about this position?
Voluntary Information
The information you provide below is voluntary
Affirmative Action
If you choose to provide this information, it will help us evaluate the effectiveness of our affirmative action programs. This will also be used for research and statistical purposes. Ethnic Background (check only one)
Persons having origins in any of the peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa.
Persons having origins in any of the black ethnic groups.
Persons having origins in any of the Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish cultures, regardless of ethnicity.
Persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
Persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East.
(Checking the "Yes" box has no effect on an employer's obligation to provide reasonable accommodation under state and federal disability laws.)
Personal Information
Mailing Address:
Check one
May we contact

Work Schedule Availability

Check only one
Check only one

Employee History

The DEA requires us to ask these questions of every applicant.

Within the past five years, have you been convicted of a felony, or within the past two years, of any misdemeanor or are you presently formally charged with committing any criminal offense? (Do not include any traffic violations, juvenile offenses or military convictions, except by general court martial.) If the answer is yes, furnish details of conviction, offense, location, date and sentence.
In the past three years, have you ever knowingly used any narcotics, amphetamines or barbiturates, other than those prescribed to you by a physician? If the answer is yes, furnish details
Education / Training History

List colleges, military, trade, business or other schools attended.

Do you have a high school diploma or a GED certificate?
(Check one)
Did You Graduate?
Add another school?

License / Registration / Certificate

List any required professional license, registration, certificate, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), etc.

List skills or knowledge that show your ability to perform the job for which you are applying (such as typing speed, computer languages or software programs, foreign languages, etc.). Attach additional pages as needed.
Work History
Job Number 1 (current or most recent position)
Employer's Address:
Supervision / Leadwork Check Areas You Were Responsible For:
Add another employer? (Job number 2)
Select if you wish to add another reference
Employer's Address:
Supervision / Leadwork Check Areas You Were Responsible For:
Enter reason for leaving 
Add another employer? (Job number 3)
Select if you wish to add another reference
Employer's Address:
Supervision / Leadwork Check Areas You Were Responsible For:
Add another employer? (Job number 4)
Employer's Address:
Supervision / Leadwork Check Areas You Were Responsible For:

Certification and signature

I understand that any verbal or written statement that is false, fraudulent or misleading that is contained in this application or attached materials, or made in the course of any related employment process, whether made by me or by others at my request, will result in rejection of my application, denial of employment, or dismissal from service if discovered after employment, and under some circumstances, may result in prosecution for a crime.

  • I certify that all statements contained herein are true and complete.
  • I understand that if hired, I must prove that I am legally authorized to work in the United States.
  • I authorize All Creatures Veterinary Care Center to check employment references and verify education information provided on this employment application and as disclosed in the interview process.
  • I authorize All Creatures Veterinary Care Center to check my driving record if the position for which I am applying requires driving.
  • I authorize 2 nd Street Animal Hospital to run a credit history check and criminal history backgroundcheck as a condition of employment.
  • I release the All Creatures Veterinary Care Center and all providers of information from any liability as a result of furnishing and receiving any information related to the hiring process.
Sign above